
Cocoa Nib Artisan Chocolates

The Junction NSW



Cocoa Nib Artisian Chocolates


The Junction, NSW


Workplace, Fitout, Hospitality, Retail


Atelier Photography

The Gallery


Presented with a design brief to create a bespoke artisan space SDA worked closely with Cocoa Nib to develop a modern and sleek retail design to complement their new Brand design and direction.

The artisan space is one that stimulates visitors’ senses of taste and eyesight as much as their chocolates presented in delicious colours and decorations. The space serves as a welcome centre, enticing guests to discover their “chocolate personality”.

Exhibiting elegance, the space is anchored by the luxurious elements used in the artisan chocolates. Paired with Cocoa Nibs brand colours, Deep Navy blue and accents of lilac and blush were used to provide the store with its modern and sophisticated feel. The external of the store is modern and graceful, and like a perfectly infused chocolate creation, the subtle pop of pink materiality visible through the feature window perfectly complements the chocolates on display.

With a prominent corner tenancy, the orientation of the store was one of the biggest decisions. The angle of the space was developed to enhance connectivity, ensuring that connections, sightlines and pathways were integrated into the broader shopping space. By angling the commercial kitchen opposite a busy supermarket and promoting the retail customer interaction away from the supermarket connected the space with the adjacent stores creating a village atmosphere.

The lighting selection was not just about making the chocolates obvious, but also about balancing areas of light and shade, concealing and revealing these delectable treats, creating ambience and appetite.

An exposed display window allows visitors to watch the artisans at work and choose from .the freshest sweets available. The commercial kitchen is small but perfectly formed, balancing the retail experience with the production and concealing the more functional part of the process.

The space is uncomplicated and subtle in its design, allowing the real hero to be on show. Cue the amazing hand-crafted artisan chocolates, too irresistible to walk by empty handed.


We welcome you to contact us for more information
about our award winning architecture, interior design or project management.